People often ask what the best Bushcraft folding knife is and while opinels, swiss army knives and other folders all have their place, the best Bushcraft Folder by far is the EKA SWEDE 92
It's a solid folder, built as tough as you would need for time in the woods, and has natural Bubinga wood or rubber handles, it also comes in a flourescent yellow handled version too, it's blade is 12c27 steel, which is a superbly reliable stainless steel, easily sharpened and holds a great edge, and it's also got that all important scandi grind which most woodsmen seem to favour!
it's got a great big chunky grip, and an incredibly strong lock which is released by pushing the exposed tang at the back of the handle, a great idea which means there is virtually never a locking failure, also if you look at the overall shape it's actually got that Nessmuk style to it!!
the wooden handled version is slightly chunkier than the rubber handled one, but both are comfortable in hand and over long usage.