Wednesday 1 May 2013


The winds up here in the North of Ireland have been incredibly strong lately, always a time to worry if you want to set sail or go deep into the woods, last thing you would want is to camp under a widowmaker! There was one tree I always admired in a place where I walk, it is a huge sycamore and I'm sure was a couple of hundred years old, well I walked past it today and here it lies..
cleft completely in three parts, I could only imagine the devastation if someone had been underneath it when it came down
such a mighty beast fallen by nothing but air!!
did it make a sound when it fell????


  1. I was recently out with a friend. He showed me the photos from when he was trapped in the woods. There was gale force winds that blew down trees. The forestry commission had to cut 86 trees to clear a path. Just goes to show that you can never guarantee a safe place.

    1. Absolutely true, always be ready and always be prepared! Thanks for dropping by.

  2. We just had a storm here a few weeks ago in Virginia, which I thought was a tornado. Sure enough, one came right down the river and destroyed several 200+ year-old trees on a portion of the Fredericksburg battlefield. Seeing wind destroy oaks and sweetgum makes one feel very insignificant. Thanks for the post, the back country in Northern Ireland is beautiful.

    1. Thanks for dropping by and for your comments, I quess we are all at the mercy of the weather gods.
