contact us at Buzzardbushcraft @

Monday, 27 January 2025

The hands that made it all.

 The purpose of Buzzard Bushcraft is to show the wonder and majesty of God through his creation, so imagine my pleasure when we connected with an incredible blues rock composer who agreed to create a song for us based on the Handiwork of God that can be seen in nature. Russell asked us to send him some of our favourite bible verses regarding the outdoors and creation and he would create a song using them for inspiration..less than a week later he came up with "The hands that made it all" this will now be our official Buzzard anthem.. Thank you so much Russell and as you often say, "its all for the glory of God"

All credits and copyrights are owned by Russell w Delbridge.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Oyster mushroons

 It was certain that one day I was going to have to eat my own words regarding mushrooms, as you all know I normally think they are seriously over rated, slimy and taste like feet. Well out this weekend and we found some oyster mushrooms, I've found them before but never eaten them so this time, just for sake of it I took a few and brought them home

Just fresh off the stump and in perfect condition

Coarsely chopped 

And in a pan with what's left of last year's wild garlic butter (remind me to make twice the amount this year!)

About 5 minutes of cooking and they'd absorbed most of the butter, and the taste.. drum roll please.. was actually lovely, texture was firm and steak like, garlicy, sweet and delicious..couldn't believe it, after all these years I've found a mushroom I actually really like..

Never to old to find out something new.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Fire and Ice

 I absolutely love fire, there is something warming, comforting and encouraging about it, I could stare into the flames all day and not get bored, 

At the same time I love Ice, and there's nothing I love more than being in the woods overnight as it freezes, waking up in the morning with a cold nose, my breath visible in the air and ice all over the tent

Nature gives us beauty at both ends of the spectrum and which ever way you lean towards, hot or cold, there is always an appreciation for the opposite end that keeps all of creation in balance.

PS, whomever has kept the Buzzard base camp tidy recently has done a grand job, it really is appreciated. Thankyou.