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Sunday, 23 February 2025

From Billhook to Big knife.

 In the temperate environment I live in an axe is of less value than a large knife. I don't often have a need to cut down a tree but I regularly need to cut back on brambles, bracken, salmonberry canes, scrub willow, gorse bushes and the like. This cannot be done with an axe, so a big knife [the Sami call it a Leuku] is a much more effective tool to have around.

I did recently buy a couple of cheap billhooks and thought they'd be good for modifying into Big knives.

As you can see they are rather rough and ready but for a tool that will be heavily used in the woods I don't need anything expensive, just effective.

The handle was in particularly bad shape and needed quite a bit of work. So out came the angler grinder, a series of files, sandpaper and linseed oil and after a little bit of profiling I ended up with these

The steel is decent and the edge easily maintained with a chainsaw file, they work well on thick brush and can take limbs and saplings up to about 4 inches down with ease. So for those who often ask what the best tool is for our native environment any big knife similar to those above will be your best bet.